Annual Sympsium organized by Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayerwardenepura, Sri Lanka
S Hewage1 & Chen Po Hao2
1 University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, 2 Tunghai University, Taiwan
Antlions belong to the order Neroptera, class Insecta. They belong to the family Myrmeleontidae. The antlion name is applied to the larval stage of these insects. Adult insects of this family have four lace-like wings, similar to dragonflies. Pit building behavior is characteristic to the genus Myrmelon. There are different size antlions and they appear to consume different prey according to preliminary observations. Hence the hypothesis is to establish whether antlions have the ability to select their prey, and whether their level of hunger and their own body size affect prey selection.
Present study was conducted in Khao Chong Wildlife Extension and Conservation Center, Trang Province, Thailand.
In order to identify the predatory behavior of antlions, antlions were collected from the field and kept for about six hours for rest and recuperation, and allowed to make their pit. The experiment was conducted at room temperature. An ant was dropped in the center of the pit and resulting interactions were observed. Observation of the antlion was started as soon as the prey dropped in the center of the pit and ended with either the prey dead or escaped free from the pit.
In order to check whether antlions select their prey according to the prey size, starvation level and their own size, collected antlions were categorized into two groups according to body size (0.5-1.0 cm long and <1.0 cm long). Both size classes were sub-divided in to four groups of 15 individuals, and they were fed with ants. After feeding, each group was starved for a different length of time (0 hrs (level 0), 12 hrs (level 1), 24 hrs (level 2), and 36 hrs (level 3), prior to commencing the feeding experiment. Three types of prey were used for this experiment.
From the collected data predatory success for small and large antlions was calculated for each treatment. One sample T – tests were run in order to check whether there was a significant difference in predatory success between three types of prey at the same starvation level. In order to identify the relationship between predatory action and starving level for small antlions and large antlions a contingency analysis was conducted.
In order to identify the predatory action by prey type a second contingency analysis was carried out. Large antlions always attacked small prey and attacked large prey less frequently, but small antlions attack all prey with equal frequency.
According to results larger antlions attack more large prey as starvation level increased, but small antlions try to attack all prey without regard to size. However, predatory success was low for small antlions, when they attacked larger prey. Smaller antlions may be less experienced in assessing prey size or likelihood of success.
It was found that the selected time scale for the starvation levels was too long. Hence, it was difficult to compare the predatory success of different starvation levels.
C D Kaluthota & S
Field Ornithology Group of
The IBA programme produces inventories of internationally recognized sites, which are vital for conservation of birds. These sites are identified using set of four standard global criteria. These criteria are designed to select representative areas of most important bird habitats, principally those that are under the most severe pressure. As birds are the best indicators for overall biological diversity, most IBAs will be significant for other animals and plants too. The reason for initiating a global IBA programme was obvious as throughout the world important sites for wildlife conservation are being destroyed, polluted or disturbed at an increasing pace. Habitat loss and modification is the single largest threat to biodiversity. Many threatened species are in fact threatened by the same factors at particular sites. Therefore, site-based conservation measures can conserve many species at the same time.
First task for the IBA programme was the identification of important birds for first three categories i.e. globally threatened species, restricted range species and biome restricted species. Ten species of globally threatened species are considered for the IBA programme since 14 of 24 globally threatened species recorded from